19. duben 2017 / Jana Adamcová

Fourth "Creative Coffee": The Best of Bohemian Industries

The fourth "Creative Coffee" - a meeting of representatives of cultural and creative industries - was a sightseeing of a recently reconstructed Museum of Decorative Arts  in Prague. The Museum Director Ms. Königsmarkova guided us through all the premises and introduced us the new concept of the building. 

When visiting the Museum one realizes what this building symbolizes: cultivation and involvement of Bohemian business elites in 1885, the attempt to show the world the pride in high quality and artistic and technical perfection of Bohemian crafts, the desire to cherish the best of Bohemia as a legacy for future generations. Today the Museum of Decorative Arts can be an inspiration for Czech business elites and show them what can be done for the cultivation of Czech society, with generosity, humbelness and perspective. 

Museum of Decorative Arts will be opened to public from Autumn 2017. It is beautiful, full of esthetic and technological treasures that still can be a source of innovation for modern industries.