21. červen 2017 / Jana Adamcová, Jan Klesla

Digital economy and labour

On June 21, 2017, the Institute for Digital Economy organized an expert workshop on employments relationships regulation in shared economy. The workshop was attended by deputies to the ministers of labor and social affairs and industry and trade, head of Czech labor union, digital agenda coordinator of the Czech Government, representative of Czech Chamber of commerce and representatives of digital platforms: Lidskasila.cz, Nejremeslnici.cz, Blablacar.com, Liftago, Uber and Alza.cz. 

The goal of the meeting was to discuss new challenges in the field of labor in shared economy. The outcome of the discussion is a working paper that structures the subject and presents the main questions that needs to be attended in the future. 

The working paper is currently available in the Czech language only. For English version contact our team. 

Digitální ekonomika
Online platformy