11. červenec 2017 / Jana Adamcová
Creative coffee Nr. 5: network visualization labC

Creative coffee Nr. 5 took place in a network visualization lab SAGElab of the Czech Technical University in Prague. SAGElab was introduced to us by Sven Ubik and his colleagues as a common lab of CESNET (an association of universities of the Czech Republic and the Czech Academy of Sciences, which operates and develops the national e-infrastructure for science, research and education) and the faculties of IT and electrotechnics of Czech Technical University in Prague.
SAGElab is an interdisciplinary lab, which supports education and research in network and visualization technologies, development of new kinds of applications and experimental work in these areas. SAGElab disposes of high definition visualization (more than 8K) for distant collaboration and presentation.
We were interested in what SAGElab does in the sector of cultural and creative industries. SAGElab tries to connect performing artists in different cities, countries or even continents, so that they can play or dance together. It can bring new opportunities for teaching, evaluations and cultural exchange. Special low-latency transmission technology is needed. SAGElab developed this technology theirselves. With shorter distances, such as between countries in Europe, even classical music can be played together, bidirectionally. With longer distances, such as between Europe, Asia and America, interesting multi-party distributed performances can be arranged, where musicians and dancers contribute to the joint performance. You can watch videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0uaKLNNWTcKbgIWrehCH8w
In the area of cultural heritage, SAGElab's activities are digitalization, creation and promotion of interactive 3D models of various art collections such as http://www.europeana.eu/portal/en. SAGElab creates interactive 3D models in innovative ways so that they can be displayed in various scales from mobile phone to large LCD walls. These digital models of cultural artifacts not only serve for distance access suitable for education, research or popularization, but could be as well used for designers and/or producers of replicas of objects of arts and crafts for example made of wood, glass or ceramics. This way the museums could much more open to their collaboration with business.