15. září 2017 / Tým IDE
Lecture for Czech Association of Art Teachers

During the annual meeting of the Czech Association of Art Teachers the Institute's Chair Ms. Adamcova held a lecture on cultural and creative industries and the concept of our Board Member professor Pierluigi Sacco "Culture 3.0". "We were very satisfied with the paper by the Chair of IDE Ms. Adamcová, which was of enormous benefit. Further more, it was directly connected to the overall goals of our association," explained Ms. Alena Hůrková, Chair of the Association of Arts Teachers. "I appreciate that art teachers formed this community with the objective to cultivate and improve art teaching in the schools. Every activity like this is extremely helpful for the overall development of cultural and creative industries," responded Ms. Adamcová.
Institute for Digital Economy is happy to provide education about the benefits of cultural and creative industries to the society and its economy. The Institute is a long-term advocate of the benefits of interconnection of arts, technologies, business and industries.