16. červen 2020 / Tým IDE
Web for Strategy for Cultural and Creative Industries launched web

The website https://strategiekkp.mkcr.cz/ briefly presents the status of the Strategy for the Development and Support of the Cultural and Creative Industries, which is backed by Jana Adamcová and Naďa Machková from the IDE.
The website presents the Series "Heroes of the Cultural and Creative Industries" - twelve stories of inspiring personalities from product and fashion design, through a new circus, theater, revival of the Czech glassmaking tradition to literature and film and television screenwriting.
It also describes the reasons for the emergence of the strategy, presents the strategic framework and summarizes the chronology of strategy development.
A map of good practice is very practical, where on the map of the Czech Republic you can find positive examples of working with cultural and creative industries in each region.
It is a creative incubator, which was a pilot project
implemented with the Faculty of Art and Design of Ladislav Sutnar University of
West Bohemia in Pilsen, and which tested with students of five studios the use
of cultural heritage for creating creative products with high added value.
Last but not least, the website contains a list of all those who participated in the creation of the strategy - the project team, the expert team and the regional coordinators.