14. duben 2020 / Jana Adamcová
Web page www.kreativnistrednichy.cz launched

The Central Bohemian Innovation Center has launched the website www.kreativnistrednicechy.cz, which presents the cultural and creative industries of the Central Bohemian Region, offers an information service on ways and tools of their support by the region and also wants to support demand for their services. Jana Adamcová, the founder of the Institute, also took part in the project of the website and online collections as an expert.
The website is dedicated to raising awareness of what the cultural and creative industries are in practice. There are inspiring stories of successful Central Bohemian creators, such as fashion designer and illustrator Zuzana Osako or the world-famous game development studio Warhorse. Part of their success is, among other things, the use of cultural heritage, whether in the form of art patterns and traditional crafts such as blueprints by Mrs. Osako or ancient monuments such as the Sázava Monastery in the case of the Warhorse studio.
In order to make more such successful uses of cultural heritage by entrepreneurs, they have become part of the web and online collections. In them, creatives and entrepreneurs can find inspiration in the form of technological processes (drawings or descriptions of processes of historical industrial technologies and processes), craft or gastronomic processes, visual materials (ornaments, works of art, objects), audio materials (musical motifs), stories for creation narrative or scenarios, etc. Searching is easy using categories or full text.
Central Bohemian museums will gradually curatorially add other valuable collection items to the website and thus make it easier for creatives to access the digitized cultural heritage of the Central Bohemian Region. So whether you are a baker and you are looking for a traditional recipe, you are a designer and you are looking for authentic ornaments, or you are a stove maker and you are looking for traditional tile patterns, you are right on this site. If something is not online, Central Bohemian museums are happy to provide research or advise on where to look.
The website also contains important statistical data and an overview of all tools and subsidies with which the Central Bohemian Region supports the cultural and creative industries. Currently, the cultural and creative industries can use financial support from the so-called creative vouchers (https://kreativnivouchery.s-ic.cz/), either in the role of applicants or suppliers of creative services. The aim of the program is to motivate entrepreneurs to innovate their products and services and also to use the cultural heritage of the Central Bohemian Region.