29. říjen 2013 / Jana Adamcová
Lecture of professor Pier Luigi Sacco on cultural and creative industries

Professor Pier Luigi Sacco, international expert on cultural and creative industries, was invited to Prague by the Institute of Digital Economy. His main lecture took place on October 29, 2013, from 5 p.m. in the contemporary art center DOX. Representatives of private companies, ministries of industry and trade, culture, CzechInvest, Technology Agency, public and private institutions took part in the lecture. The topic were cultural and creative industries as one of the fastest growing economical sectors in Europe. Professor Sacco introduced example of succesfull european projects connecting business and culture. He commented the contribution of cultural and creative industries for country's economy.
Special acknowledgments goes to the private gallery DOX for offering us its premises for the lecture.
Pier Luigi Sacco is Professor of Cultural Economics, IULM University, Milan. As of September 1, 2011, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Markets, and Heritage. Also teaches Creative Industries at the University of Italian Switzerland (USI), Lugano. PhD in economics, European University Institute. Writes for Il Sole 24 Ore, Saturno and Flash Art. President of the scientific committee of the International Festival of Contemporary Art, Faenza. President of the Cultural Observatory of Marche Region. Member of the scientific committe of Italian National Library, Florence. Research associate, Semeion Research Center, Rome. Author of more than one hundred and fifty papers appeared on international journals and edited books with the major scientific publishers (Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Springer, Palgrave, Edward Elgar, Ashgate, Sage, etcetera) on the topics of economic theory, game theory, cultural economics, cultural and creative industries, cultural policy design at the urban, regional and national level. Member of the editorial board of Creative Industries Journal, Mind and Society, Quality and Quantity, Journal of Marketing at Retail and Economia della Cultura. Keynote speaker and invited lecturer worldwide. Extensive consultancy and advisory work for governments, local administrations and cultural institutions on the issues of culture-led local development and of European Culture Capitals Programs.