18. prosinec 2013 / IDE
Public Data
In the Czech Republic, both legal and technical questions of providing public data for commercial use are not solved. This situation is blocking the development of digital economy in our country despite that fact that Czech Republic was supposed to implement the EU regulation on public data in 2006. The stumbling block is the missing substantive discussion between state administration bodies and private sector about how to implement this regulation in a proper legal and technical way.
Public Data is an important topic of European Commission. In the Czech Republic Public Data usage is described in the Code Nr. 106/1999 about free access to information. This Code was novelized by the Code Nr. 61/2006 that introduced a special regulation of re-use the of public sector information. This novelization was actually the implementation of the EU Regulation Nr. 2003/98/ES from November 17, 2003, that concerns the commercial use of public databases.