18. květen 2015 / IDE
Law Fit Conference: The End of Free Internet?

One of the key topics that Institute for Digital Economy focuses on is Internet and its development. Therefore the Institute became a partner of Law Fit Conference. It took place in Prague on May 18, 2015, in the new building of the Czech Technical University in Thakurova street Nr. 9.
Internet neutrality and free online marketing are increasingly constrained by states and also by private companies, headed by the ISP. Regulation of the Internet is booming like never before. Internet neutrality is one of the key topics of the Institute for the digital economy. That is why we have become partners of the third annual conference LAW FIT, organized by the Faculty of Information technology CTU and magazine Index Lidove noviny. The conference offered insight on the topic of network neutrality in terms of law and IT.
In the first block, which was devoted to the regulatory framework, was the first speaker Jaromir Novak, Chairman of the Czech Telecommunication Office. About the Internet in connection with the protection of competition spoke Aleš Musil, who works at the Directorate General of the European Commission in Brussels. The European Union sees the Internet as a transnational space, so it worked out a strategy for the unified digital market.
In the second block, which related to network neutrality, discussed one of the organizers of the event Jan Klesla with Petr Slovacek from O2 company the reducing of Internet speed and blocked access to various services by network providers.
The third block focused on restricting access to Internet content by ISPs and search for content in terms of current law. Judge of the Municipal Court in Prague, Veronika Křesťanová presented some recent judgments of the European Court of Justice and their application in practice by the most important players on the Czech market.
The conference gained a great interest among the general public, professional and IT specialists, lawyers, academics and students.
The auspices over the conference took over the Chairman of the Czech Telecommunication Office Jaromir Novak.