19. září 2015 / Jana Adamcová

Future car: Luxury in Motion

This research prototype is known as F 015 Luxury in Motion. The concept of the vehicle is based on the european craftsmanship and luxury production tradition, which can be seen both from the exterior and interior of the vehicle. One of the main ideas is a constant exchange of information between the vehicle itself, the passengers and the outside world. This protoype depicts a vision of the future, in which a car won't be just a transportation vehicle, but also a mobile habitat.

The protoype was introduced as a part of Ars Electronica Festival in Linz this September. The main theme of the Festival was "POST CITY - habitats for the 21. century". The focus was on four following questions: what is the future mobility, future work, future citizens and future resilience. The introduction of F 015 caused a great public interest. E.g. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in its today's article raised the question: how long will it take for drivers to give up on their steering wheel, beause the drive itself will be controlled by the processors of the car. And will more comfort and security mean relieve or cause an intense feeling of loosing oneselves capacity?

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