1. leden 2016 / Jana Adamcová

What to expect in 2016?

We prepare a lot of analysis and studies focused especially on the newest Digital Single Market regulations. Further on we want to deepen our international partnerships that we started to develop during last years. We found partners in Austria, Italy, Portugal, France, Hungary or Rumania. Our interest and care for cultural and creative industries increases every year. After the succesfull study on CCI that was published in 2015 other new supportive documents and event will follow. Our main goal is to present and support CCI among state administration officers. Educational activities for CCI representatives will be organized, since a lot of work needs to be done for defragmentation of this young growing sector.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank all our friends, supporters, collaboraters and partners both from private and from public, academic or non-governmental sectors. Our work would not be possible without their goodwill and cooperation. We believe that to connect people, to formulate long-term visions and goals and to cultivate an expert discussion among the key players is meaningful and therefore we intent to continue in it this year. We look forward to further collaboration. Thank you. Team of the Institute for Digital Economy