23. květen 2016 / Jana Adamcová
Law Fit Conference 2016
The conference will take place at the Czech Technical Unversity on May 23, 2016. This year's topic will deal with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation. We prepared a Czech posititon to GDPR during our workshop held on February 24, 2016. At the Law Fit Conference, the Chair of the Institute for Digital Economy Ms. Adamcová will present our position towards GDPR. The conference is open to public, but you need to make an online registration on the conference web page.
The conference is opet to public, but you need to make an online registration on the conference web page. Among the discussed issues is the future of data, the data assimilation in practice and their price, new EU data protection regulation (GDPR), recent data cases, data and security and data and proofs. These topics will be presented by Ms. Janů, Chariwomen of the Office for Personal Data Protection, Mr. Kučera from Baker & McKenzie who is as well main organizer of Law Fit Conference, Mr. Prokeš and Mr. Nonnemann from the Office for Personal Data Protection, Mr. Kordík, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of the Czech Technical University, Ms. Duračinská from CSIRT, Mr. Harašta from the Institute of Law and Technology of Masaryk University Brno, Mr. Klesla, Economics Editor of the daily Lidové noviny, Mr. Lukeš from Cluster Austria, Mr. Písecký from the Regional directorate of Prague Metropolitan Police, journalist Mr. Ryneš, Mr. Rýdl from Dobrý web, Mr. Vacek from Insighti or Mr. Zlesák from Veracomp. We look forward to see you!