22. září 2016 / Jana Adamcová
First "Creative coffee"

Since cultural and creative industries are very diversified and colourful sector, we decided to start interconnecting the actors of individual creative industries and enable them to exchange information and get to know each other better. This is how the idea of "Creative coffee" came to life. It is an informal meeting where likeminded people who are aware of the strength of mutual collaboration meet.
The first "Creative coffee" was took place on September 22, 2016, in the premises of a legendery Czech cinema "64 U hradeb" in Mostecká street in the very center of Prague. A fascinating space where the cinema started with opening of movie "Starci na chmelu" (the best Czech musical play). Today the old cinema is being transformed into craetive lab connected to movie industry. Therefore Lab64 was recently founded as an creative technologies accelerator.
The main topic of first "Creative coffee" was of course to get to know each other and to find areas where mutual collaboration makes sense.